Bio Hair Fibre

Our clinic is at the forefront of the cosmetic industry, offering innovative Biofibre Hair Implants in Hyderabad. These artificial hair fibres, implanted on the scalp through a surgical procedure, effectively regenerate hair on bald patches with minimal pain and downtime. The procedure promises fuller and more voluminous hair in less time, with nearly permanent results.

Types Of Acne






How We Do It


Analysis of the patient 


Analysis of the patient 

Treatment Plan

Decide a course of action 

FDA Approved
Advanced Treatments

Ensure the plan is working

Prevention Tips

Recommendations by the doctor 

Treatment Option

Biofibre Hair Implants are a transformative treatment option available at our clinic. We skillfully implant artificial hair fibres with natural properties onto the scalp, resulting in fuller and voluminous hair with almost no recovery time.

Our Recommended Treatment

We recommend procedures that are safe, efficient and economical, involve minimal to no pain and the effects are immediate. First, we need a thorough analysis of the patient and his/her condition from there our experts will give you the best treatment options and plan.



Biofibre implants offer immediate effects, make the hair appear more voluminous, involve minimal to no pain, have zero recovery time, don’t age or grey, and are an economical hair restoration solution.

Biofibre implants are generally safe and reversible. If needed, these implants can be removed from the scalp which might lead to a few scars in the scalp, still results in individual patients vary.

In a single session, up to 500 hair strands can be implanted, making it a time-efficient solution for hair restoration.